2020年成立的公司 (2020年成都中考英语试卷及答案)

成都品茶 06-18 阅读:42 评论:0

本试卷分三部分,总分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。

第一部分 听力 (35 分)

  1. (5 分) 听录音,回答问题。
    1. Where is the girl going?
    2. What is she going to do there?
    3. How is she going there?
  2. (10 分) 听录音,选择正确的答案。
    1. What's the weather like today?
    2. What's the boy's favorite food?
    3. Where does the girl live?
    4. What's the time now?
    5. What's the girl's name?
  3. (10 分) 听录音,填写信息。
    1. Name:
    2. Age:
    3. School:
    4. Hobby:
  4. (10 分) 听录音,选择正确的答案。
    1. What's the main idea of the passage?
    2. What's the girl's problem?
    3. What does the doctor suggest the girl do?
    4. What does the girl decide to do?

第二部分 笔试 (70 分)

A. 单项选择 (20分)

  1. 下列哪项与其他三项不同?
    1. A. book
    2. B. computer
    3. C. pen
    4. D. umbrella
  2. 下列哪句句意与其他三句不同?
    1. A. I like playing football.
    2. B. I like to play football.
    3. C. I'm playing football.
    4. D. I play football.
  3. 下列哪项填入括号内最合适?
    1. The students are playing basketball ____(now).
    2. A. now
    3. B. at now
    4. C. right now
    5. D. on now
  4. 下列哪项填入括号内最合适?
    1. I usually ____(help) my mother with the housework.
    2. A. help
    3. B. helped
    4. C. am helping
    5. D. will help
  5. 下列哪项填入括号内最合适?
    1. ---- ----(you/be) from?
    2. A. Where
    3. B. When
    4. C. Who
    5. D. What

B. 完形填空 (10 分)

One day, a little boy was playing in the park when he saw a bird lying on the ground. The bird was (1) ____ and couldn't fly. The boy felt (2) ____ for the bird,so he took it home and put it in a cage. He (3) ____ the bird every day and soon it got (4) ____. One day, the bird was strong (5) ____ to fly again. The boy opened the cage and the bird flew (6) ____ happily. The boy was so (7) ____ to see the bird fly free. He knew that he had (8) ____ the right thing by helping the bird.

  1. (1) ____
    1. A. injured
    2. B. beautiful
    3. C. healthy
    4. D. small
  2. (2) ____
    1. A. happy
    2. B. sorry
    3. C. excited
    4. D. angry
  3. (3) ____
    1. A. sold
    2. B. fed
    3. C. bought
    4. D. played
  4. (4) ____
    1. A. well
    2. B. bad
    3. C. happy
    4. D. tired
  5. (5) ____
    1. A. too
    2. B. enough
    3. C. not
    4. D. well
  6. (6) ____
    1. A. slowly
    2. B. quickly
    3. C. away
    4. D. home
  7. (7) ____
    1. A. excited
    2. B. sad
    3. C. tired
    4. D. happy
  8. (8) ____
    1. A. done
    2. B. seen
    3. C. forgotten
    4. 2020年成立的公司 (2020年成都中考英语试卷及答案)
    5. D. bought

C. 阅读理解 (20 分)

One day, a young man was walking home from school when he saw a group of boys playing football in the street. He stopped to watch them for a while, and then he decided to join in. He was not very good at football, but he enjoyed playing it. The boys were friendly and welcoming, and he soon felt like he was part of the group.

The young man continued to play football with the boys every day after school. He got better and better at it, and he started to make new friends. He also learned the importance of teamwork and cooperation. He realized thathe could achieve more when he worked together with others.

One day, the boys decided to enter a football tournament. They practiced hard for weeks, and they were confident that they could win. On the day of the tournament, the young man played his best. He scored a goal, and the boys won the tournament. The young man was thrilled, and he felt proud of himself and his team.

  1. What did the young man do when he saw the boys playing football?
  2. Why did the young man enjoy playing football with the boys?
  3. What did the young man learn from playing football with the boys?
  4. What happened on the day of the tournament?
  5. How did the young man feel after the tournament?

D. 短文填空 (10 分)


