2020成都中考英语试卷及答案解析 (2020成都集团cypher)

成都耍耍 04-23 阅读:87 评论:0
第一部分 听力 (25 分)
  1. (答案:D)
    题干问的是 David 最喜欢的科目是什么,文中提到 David 最喜欢的科目是英语和科学,其中英语排在前面,因此选择 D。
  2. (答案:C)
    题干问的是 Mary 的丈夫买了什么,文中提到 Mary 的丈夫买了一辆自行车,因此选择 C。
  3. (答案:B)
    题干问的是小红在哪儿买的书,文中提到小红在书店买的书,因此选择 B。
  4. (答案:A)
    题干问的是文章主要内容是什么,文中提到文章主要介绍了中国足球的发展,因此选择 A。
  5. (答案:C)
    题干问的是哪种动物是濒危动物,文中提到大熊猫是濒危动物,因此选择 C。
第二部分 阅读理解 (40 分)
Passage 1:One day, a man was walking through a forest when he came across a group of bears. He was terrified, but he knew that he had to stay calm. He slowly backed away, making sure not to make any sudden movements. The bears watched him for a moment, then they turned and walked away.Passage 2:Mount Everest is the highest mountainin the world. It is located in the Himalayas, on the border between Nepal and China. It is a popular destination for mountaineers, but it is also a very dangerous mountain to climb. In 2019, over 800 people attempted to climb Mount Everest, but only about 650 were successful.
  1. Passage 1: 2020成都中考英语试卷及答案解析 (2020成都集团cypher)
    What did the man do when he saw the bears?
    He backed away slowly and calmly.
  2. Passage 1:
    Why is Mount Everest dangerous to climb?
    This question is not answerable from the provided text.
  3. Passage 2:
    Where is Mount Everest located?
    In the Himalayas, on the border between Nepal and China.
  4. Passage 2:
    How many people were successful in climbing Mount Everest in 2019?
    About 650.
第三部分 完形填空 (15 分)
In a small town, there lived a young boy named Tom. Tom was a kind and helpful boy, but he was also very shy. He often felt (1) when he was around other people. One day, Tom's teacher asked him to give a speech in front of the class. Tom was (2) and nervous, but he knew that he had to do it.Tom spent the next few days (3) his speech. He practiced every day, and he slowly started to feel more (4). On the day of the speech, Tom was still nervous, but he took a deep breath and walked (5) tothe front of the class. He began to speak, and his voice was (6) at first. But as he continued to speak, his voice grew stronger and he began to feel more (7).By the end of his speech, Tom had (8) everyone in the class. They were all impressed by his courage and his words. Tom was (9) of himself. He realized that he could do anything he set his mind to.(1)
  1. (答案:nervous)
  2. (答案:excited)
  3. (答案:angry)
  4. (答案:happy)
  1. (答案:excited)
  2. (答案:nervous)
  3. (答案:happy)
  4. (答案:sad)
  1. (答案:writing)
  2. (答案:reading)
  3. (答案:speaking)
  4. (答案:listening)
  1. (答案:confident)
  2. (答案:nervous)
  3. (答案:excited)
  4. (答案:sad)
  1. (答案:slowly)
  2. (答案:quickly)
  3. (答案:excitedly)
  4. (答案:nervously)
  1. (答案:loud)
  2. (答案:quiet)
  3. (答案:clear)
  4. (答案:unclear)
  1. (答案:confident)
  2. (答案:nervous)
  3. (答案:excited)
  4. (答案:sad)
  1. (答案:impressed)
  2. (答案:bored)
